Monday, 18 January 2010

Books I've read/reading for me...

Book's I've read 


A Dangerous Fortune - Ken Follett

Small Gods - Terry Pratchett

Lords and Ladies - Terry Pratchett 
Men At Arms - Terry Pratchett 


In progress
Lorna Doone - R D Blackmore

The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England: A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century - Ian Mortimer

100 Books Challenge

As inspired by PippaD's post I am going to try and read 100 books this year. I normally manage a couple of books a week so in theory this shouldn't be a problem but I've never actually recorded what I have read.

You can take the pledge on J Kaye's web site

As long as the book has an ISBN it counts to even reading your children's bedtime story could push you up if you can't keep up with the pace of 2-3 books a week!

So watch this space and I will keep adding my books...

These are the books I have read so far for myself or I am currently reading

I have also read these books with my kids!

Thursday, 14 January 2010

2010 January: Lorna Doone - R.D. Blackmore

Book Summary:

Lorna Doone relays the perenially popular story of John Ridd and his love for the beautiful and aristocratic Lorna Doone who was kidnapped as a child by an outlaw family. This version remains the only critical edition of a work which, since 1869, has never gone out of print.

As you read the book keep the following questions in mind:

Which character do you like the most and why? The least and why?

What passage from the book stood out to you?

Are there situations and/or characters you can identify with, if so how?

Did you learn something you didn’t know before?

Do you feel as if your views on a subject have changed by reading this text?

Have you had a life changing revelation from reading this text?

What major emotion did the story evoke in you as a reader?

At what point in the book did you decide if you liked it or not? What helped make this decision?

Name your favorite thing overall about the book. Your least favourite?

If you could change something about the book what would it be and why?

Describe what you liked or disliked about the writer’s style?

When you have finished reading the book post your comments at the end of this post...

PS you can read abridged version too!!

Book Club Launch!

I've fancied joining a book club for ages but never had the time to do it in the "real world" so I thought I'd start my own online one!

To keep it simple & inexpensive I thought we would start off by revisiting the Classics as they are easily available at the library or you may already have a copy at home. Each month we will read a nominated book and then post or thoughts back on the blog (once I've worked out how best to do it!!). Also I will take suggestions as to which book we should look at over the following month and announce the change on the 14th of each month.

So to kick us off I've picked up Lorna Doone by R D Blackmore which you may or may not have read previously. Grab yourself a copy and get reading! I will post another entry in a few days with some questions to consider about the book!
